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General Questions
Faculty Questions
Student Questions
General Questions
Faculty Questions
Student Questions
Why are we moving to Canvas?

After careful consideration, thorough evaluation and valuable input from the community, the LMS Working Group recommended that the college transition from Moodle to Canvas for our Learning Management System (LMS) with the key benefits of this move including a more intuitive user interface, mobile friendly, an easier gradebook and ultimately lower cost over the next 5 years.

Is it the right time to move?

While change can be difficult, considerable time was spent gaining insight from our community on what they wanted from a learning management system. A mobile friendly platform is one of the items that rose to the top and to best support our students in today’s learning environment it’s imperative that we have a mobile first approach. In addition, we were able to secure pricing that made this the right decision for the college at this time.

When will implementation begin?

The Educational Technology team has already begun the process of backing up Moodle courses and setting up the Canvas environment. The first group of faculty will begin to offer courses in Canvas during the Spring 2024 semester.

What is the app experience?

Canvas offers an intuitive mobile application for Faculty and for Students. We encourage you to download the app and experience it for yourself.

When will we begin using Canvas?

The first semester of use (Spring 2024) will be a limited scope pilot. We hope to have 15-25 instructors using the platform during the first semester. We will use this time to iron out issues before Canvas is the default LMS for the Summer 2024 terms (including Maymester.)

By Fall 2024 Canvas will be the default LMS for all courses.

What training opportunities will we have?

We are creating a self-paced course in Canvas that includes curated resources to transition from Moodle to Canvas. All instructors will be enrolled into this course automatically.
We are planning a series of open workshops where people will be able to explore the different features and functionality of Canvas. These will be open to any St. Norbert Faculty.
We will have extended times for one-on-one appointments with our Instructional Designer, Director of Educational Technology, and Instructional Technologist to provide personalized support.

We are also creating a series of documentation for Canvas to be in parity with and expand the subject matter of our Moodle documentation.

When will training happen?

We will work closely with all of our Pilot instructors starting as soon as the end of November 2023. A lot of our training work during this period will focus on the instructors who will use the platform for the Spring semester.
During Spring 2024 we will widen our training scope to more people, but focus on those who are teaching in Summer 2024.
We think Summer 2024 will be our busiest training time, so we will focus on delivering our workshops and individual meetings then.

How do I pilot Canvas before we move all of our courses into it?

Please reach out to the implementation team if you’re interested to deliver your Spring 2024 course(s) through Canvas.

Will my courses be migrated from Moodle to Canvas?

We will migrate any course shell from Moodle to Canvas when asked by the instructor of the course.
No course shells will be migrated automatically.

If you would like a course migrated, please reach out to the implementation team,

Can I learn how to use Canvas without being a pilot instructor?

Absolutely! Please attend any and all training opportunities we are providing, and setup one on one appointments with our team to receive focused training on things that are concerning to you.

What is the mobile app experience like?

The dedicated “Canvas Teacher” app allows instructors to view, edit, and engage with course material.

We like the Speedgrader feature.

When will I lose access to Moodle?

You will be able to teach and engage with Moodle through the Spring 2024 semester.
All of our courses, content, and student submissions will be backed up, and can be made available in Canvas upon request.

Where will my historical Moodle course shells reside? Archive?

We have taken a backup of all Moodle courses with content. When the Fall, Winter, and Spring terms conclude we will take a backup of those courses, too.
Those backups reside in a secure archived location, and can be pulled for restoration upon request.

When will I begin to use Canvas?

You may begin using Canvas as early as the upcoming Spring semester.
Certain instructors will use Canvas in Spring 2024, so you might be using Canvas and Moodle for a semester.
All courses will have a course shell in Canvas starting in Summer 2024.

Will my Moodle course material be available after Spring 2024?

Moodle will not be available to use after Spring 2024, but all course content and student submissions will be backed up.
If you need access to a course resource, please submit a request to the ITS Servicedesk, and we’ll work with you to pull relevant information.

What is my mobile app experience?

The “Canvas Student” app allows you to engage with your courses on your mobile device.
The functionality within the app allows you to submit assignments, setup notifications, check your Canvas grades, and chat with instructors.

The mobile app experience was a large contributor to our decision to move to Canvas.

What do I do if I need help?

You can always contact the ITS Service Desk ( if you need assistance.

The people implementing this project sit in the first floor of Cofrin and would love to help you with any issue you encounter, or any questions you have.

5/10/2024 – Canvas Corner: Did you miss one? (Academic Affairs Newsletter)

Did you miss a Canvas Corner announcement? No worries! We have compiled all of the Canvas Corner messages into one location for you to look back on. You will find these on the Implementation FAQ site — click on the Communication tab.

Also, you may have received a popcorn bag in or near your office with an invitation attached to stop by the Canvas Drop-In lab this week … feel free to use that invitation anytime! Good for a bag of popcorn along with your Canvas Consultation. We’re here all summer!

5/3/2024 – Canvas Corner: Dates and Reminders (Academic Affairs Newsletter)

As a followup to the presentation at the 4/30/24 faculty meeting here are some important reminders on dates and clarifications on some of the questions that were raised:

  • Access to Moodle will no longer be available after May 31, 2024
  • Spring ‘24 classes will be backed up and migrated to Canvas after the semester has concluded
  • Student data is NOT transferred to Canvas along with your courses. However, we do have a backup of all of the Moodle courses WITH student data. We’ll be developing a process for you to be able to request student data and will notify faculty once that process is complete.

If you haven’t already done so, please log into Canvas to review the courses that have been already backed up for you. As a reminder, we will have a Drop-in Lab all next week at the Tech Bar in ITS (Cofrin 119) – please stop by with your questions! 

5/3/2024 – ITS ANNOUNCEMENT: Moodle to Canvas: Student Information (Student Email)

Thank you to the many students who have been a part of the successful Canvas implementation this semester. This is the last semester that Moodle will be used for courses – summer courses will be available through Canvas. After May 31, 2024, you will no longer be able to access Moodle. If you want any files from a course, you will need to access those before this time. Files you’ve submitted for assignments may already be in your Google Drive, but you may want to download other resources, such as a syllabus, from a course. More information can be found in this article.
If you need any assistance with this, contact the ITS Service Desk at or 920-403-4040.

4/26/24 – Canvas Corner: Rubrics (Academic Affairs Newsletter)

Did you use Rubrics in your Moodle Courses? We can help you transition those over to Canvas but would appreciate it if you could let us know which of your courses you need this done for. The process for migrating rubrics is a little more complicated so we’d like to assist you with this. Please fill out this form for any rubrics you would like assistance with. Thanks! If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please reach out to Krissy Lukens (

4/19/24 – Canvas Corner: Kaltura Users (Academic Affairs Newsletter)

We are working through the process of moving published Kaltura content over to Canvas’ video platform, Canvas Studio. As with Kaltura, recorded Zoom sessions can be automatically uploaded to Canvas Studio’s Media Library and instructors can choose if they want to publish that content to their courses. Screen recording and the ability to create video quizzes are also a part of Canvas Studio.
We’ll be developing documentation for this awesome tool, but if you have any questions, or would like to set up a consultation/demo please reach out to Krissy Lukens (

4/11/24 – Moodle to Canvas: Student Information (Moodle Announcement)

Announced back in fall of 2023, St. Norbert College is moving from Moodle to Canvas for our Learning Management System. What does that mean for students? After the semester ends, you will no longer be able to access Moodle. Files you’ve submitted for assignments may already be in your Google Drive, but if you want to download other resources, such as a syllabus, you will need to do so before the end of the semester. More information can be found in this article. If you need any assistance with this, contact the ITS Service Desk at or 920-403-4040.

4/5/2024 – Canvas Corner: Midpoint Report (Academic Affairs Newsletter)

We surveyed our Pilot Faculty a few weeks ago for a mid-point check in and would like to share some of the results. As a quick reminder, these were a few of the reasons the LMS Review team made the recommendation to transition to Canvas:

  • User-friendly
  • Easier Gradebook
  • Better Mobile Platform

The feedback we received from the Pilot users has been very positive and in alignment with the above objectives. We received many comments about Canvas being a more intuitive platform and the Speed Grader being one of the best features. One of the questions we asked survey participants was, “What recommendations would you have for a faculty member who is new to using Canvas?” Here’s what they had to say:

  • Learning curve
    • There is a recognition of the learning curve associated with using Canvas, with suggestions to explore features, attend training and give oneself time to experiment and become familiar with the platform.
  • Resource Utilization
    • Participants suggest utilizing available resources such as Canvas Coaches, Knowledge Base articles and the Canvas Community for support and guidance. Additionally, they recommend exploring pre-built courses for inspiration and seeking quick help from experts in IT.
  • Simplicity vs. Complexity
    • There is a balance between keeping the course design simple and taking advantage of Canvas’ capabilities to create interactive and engaging content. Respondents advise starting with basic features, gradually incorporating more advanced elements and allocating extra time for complex setups.
  • Planning and Preparation
    • Suggestions emphasize the importance of planning the course structure, communication methods, grading strategies and making use of features like SpeedGrader and rubrics.

As a reminder, we will be offering a Canvas Drop-In Lab during the week of finals – we look forward to working with you. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please reach out to Krissy Lukens (

3/28/2024 – Canvas Corner: Drop-In Training during Finals Week (Academic Affairs Newsletter)

Molly had her baby! Please join us in congratulating Molly and Ben and welcoming Eleanor Joy 🙂

Nick and Krissy are here to help you with Canvas! We will be hosting a Canvas Drop-In Lab during the week of finals for any faculty that would like some 1:1 assistance with getting their courses set up in Canvas or answering any other questions (during a recent mid-point check-in, our Canvas Pilot Faculty were asked how they liked to learn Canvas and 1:1 consultations were the preferred method of learning). We hope you can join us for the drop in lab – we are also available at any time for individual appointments. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please reach out to Krissy Lukens.

3/22/2024 – Canvas Corner: I have Resource Courses – what now? (Academic Affairs Newsletter)

Most of the requested courses to be migrated from Moodle have been pulled over (474 courses to be exact!). Thank you so much for your patience with any questions on the migration. It is important to us that you have the content you need.
So what now? Our pilot users strongly encourage taking the time to explore Canvas functionality and to sign up for 1:1 time for a Canvas crash course with the Ed Tech team in order to hit the ground running. Another upcoming opportunity will be during final exam week where the Ed Tech team will offer drop-in work time for faculty to come in and learn best practices for harnessing the content of your resource courses from Moodle and building your course for fall. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please reach out to Krissy Lukens (

3/15/2024 – Canvas Corner: Migration Survey (Academic Affairs Newsletter)

Thank you to the 100+ faculty members that have already filled out the survey!

While it may seem early, we are reaching out to ask you to fill out this brief Migration Form, informing us of the Moodle courses that you would like to migrate over to the Canvas platform. Even if you don’t use Moodle, it’s important that you complete this form. We appreciate this information as soon as possible! Friendly reminder emails will be sent in the event we do not hear from you.

We appreciate all of the responses we have gotten so far! If you have any questions about this process, please reach out to Krissy Lukens or Molly Lucareli.​​​​​​​

2/23/2024 – Canvas Corner: Migration Update (Academic Affairs Newsletter)

By now, many faculty members have received an email from Molly Lucareli outlining the courses that need to be migrated from Moodle. Thank you to those who have given it a second look to ensure you have access to the materials you want!

While there are no action steps needed from people who have migrated courses yet, the Educational Technology team will be following up shortly with faculty planning on teaching during May Term and Summer to assist with training and organization within Canvas. For any faculty member interested in taking a look at their materials on Canvas or getting the ball rolling with training in preparation for the fall, the Educational Technology team is ready to help! Please reach out to Molly Lucareli.
For those that have not filled out the Migration Survey yet, the link is here. Thank you for your help with gathering this information.

2/16/2024 – Canvas Corner: Moodle to Canvas Migration (Academic Affairs Newsletter)

Thank you to the 75+ faculty members that have already filled out the survey!

You should have received an email from Krissy Lukens last week outlining an important task during our Moodle to Canvas transition. While it may seem early, we are reaching out to ask you to fill out this brief Migration Form, informing us of the Moodle courses that you would like to migrate over to the Canvas platform. Even if you don’t use Moodle, it’s important that you complete this form. We ask that it be completed no later than March 1, 2024.

We appreciate all of the responses we have gotten so far! If you have any questions about this process, please reach out to Krissy Lukens or Molly Lucareli.

2/9/2024 – Canvas Corner: Moodle to Canvas Course Migration Survey (Academic Affairs Newsletter)

You should have received an email from Krissy Lukens this week outlining an important task during our Moodle to Canvas transition. While it may seem early, we are reaching out to ask you to fill out this brief Migration Form, informing us of the Moodle courses that you would like to migrate over to the Canvas platform. Even if you don’t use Moodle, it’s important that you complete this form. We ask that it be completed no later than March 1, 2024. We appreciate all of the responses we have gotten so far! If you have any questions about this process, please reach out to Krissy Lukens or Molly Lucareli.

2/7/2024 – INFORMATION NEEDED BY MARCH 1: Course Migration to Canvas (Faculty Email)

Hello –

We are in the Pilot Phase of the Canvas Implementation and so far so good! While it may seem early, we are reaching out to ask you to fill out this brief Migration Form, informing us of the Moodle courses that you would like to migrate over to the Canvas platform. Even if you don’t use Moodle, it’s important that you complete this form. We ask that it be completed no later than March 1, 2024. 

If you have any questions please let us know. Thank you in advance for your assistance with this request.


Krissy Lukens and the Canvas Implementation Team

2/2/2024 – Canvas Corner: Check out what Pilot users are saying (Academic Affairs Newsletter)

The transition to Canvas is off to a successful start! Here what some of our pilot faculty are saying about using Canvas in their courses:

  • So far so good!
  • I did not realize how much I missed the SpeedGrader feature of Canvas. It completely streamlined my grading process for my first assignment.
  • I really, really like the platform. The students are easing in and so far, enjoying the Badges application!
  • So far things seem to be going better than they did with Moodle, and that was after years of Moodle experience.
  • I have nothing but positive things to say about Canvas so far. I find the interface is very user friendly, and it’s much easier to upload / edit / rename / organize files in the “modules” than in Moodle.

The Educational Technology team continues to create new knowledge base articles on Canvas every week to aid in the transition to Canvas; these articles can be found here.

1/26/24 – Canvas Corner: Canvas Teacher App (Academic Affairs Newsletter)

Canvas is being piloted by 30 faculty this spring before the College switches over fully next academic year. As such, ITS will be offering regular highlights on its capabilities, to support the piloting cohort as well as prepare all faculty for its implementation.

The Canvas Teacher app offers educators a range of positive features, enhancing their teaching experience:

  • With mobile accessibility, instructors can efficiently manage courses, grade assignments, and communicate with students on the go.
  • Real-time notification alerts keep teachers informed about course updates and student activities.
  • The app’s gradebook access streamlines grading processes and aids in organizing student performance data.
  • Communication tools enable instructors to send announcements and messages, fostering effective interaction with students.
  • Content management features allow for quick updates to course materials, and in some versions, attendance tracking is facilitated.
  • The user-friendly interface ensures that educators can easily navigate and utilize key Canvas features on their mobile devices, providing a convenient and efficient tool for course management.
1/19/2024 – Canvas Implementation Update (Academic Affairs Newsletter)

Monday brings the start of a new semester and also the start of Canvas Implementation. We are kicking off our Canvas Pilot and here is how it is being implemented by the numbers:

  • 30 Pilot Faculty (17%)
    • Includes representation from all divisions across campus, including academic advising
  • 9 Canvas Coaches
  • 72 Spring Canvas Courses
  • 860 students enrolled in Canvas Courses

We want to extend a heartfelt thanks to the faculty participating this semester, providing us with critical feedback to make this the best experience for everyone involved. THANK YOU!!

1/19/2024 – ITS ANNOUNCEMENT: Welcome Back! Canvas, Classroom Support and Consultations (Faculty Email)

Good Morning –

Monday brings the start of a new semester and also the start of our Canvas Implementation. We have 30 faculty participating in the Canvas Pilot Semester and they are off to a great start. An email was sent to the students this week and I’ve included that below for your information.

To help ensure a smooth start, ITS will be in the academic buildings on Monday and Tuesday checking in at the start of classes to help with any questions you may have.

1/16/2024 – ITS ANNOUNCEMENT: Moodle to Canvas Transition (Student Email)

Hello! As spring classes will be starting soon we wanted to update you with the Moodle to Canvas transition. St. Norbert College will be using Canvas as our primary learning management system starting Summer 2024.

This spring however, some faculty have elected to be part of a group that will be teaching their spring courses using Canvas instead of Moodle. This means that many of you will have some of your courses in Moodle and some courses in Canvas. When you log into Moodle, any course that is being taught using Canvas will have a message indicating so and will also provide a direct link to the course in Canvas.

More information on the transition to Canvas can be found on the Canvas Implementation website.

If you would like to learn a bit more about Canvas and practice with a demo course, please submit a request and we would be happy to enroll you in this course.

Thank you for your cooperation and support. The college is excited to provide a new, modern and mobile-friendly learning environment.

12/22/2023 – Open Canvas Workshop Hours Over J-Term (Academic Affairs Newsletter)

Calling all Spring Canvas Pilot users and any faculty who would like the opportunity to start learning about Canvas! The Educational Technology Team will be hosting open workshop hours January 8 – January 12 in STW 103 from 9 am – 4 pm. Zoom in options available (link here).
Drop in to work on your course, work through the optional implementation course, ask questions, make your course eye-catching or just work in peace with helpful hands close by. There will be no formal presentations because we will target exactly what you need in the moment. If you have any questions about these drop in hours or would like to schedule an alternative time, please reach out to Molly Lucareli ( or x3281).

12/15/2023 – Moodle to Canvas Course Invitation (Academic Affairs Newsletter)

Faculty should have received an email from Instructure Canvas inviting you to participate in a course called “Moodle to Canvas Implementation at SNC.” This course is completely optional and can be taken at a time that is most convenient for you. The purpose of the course is to assist with the transition from Moodle as our primary LMS to Canvas. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Service Desk at x4040.

12/1/2023 – Canvas Introduction Session Recording (Academic Affairs Newsletter)

If you were not able to attend the Canvas Introduction event co-hosted by Faculty Development and Educational Technology, you can view the recording here.

All faculty members are invited to join the pilot users during the week of January 8 for an open workshop session devoted to working on learning and organizing content in Canvas. More information will be communicated in the near future.

11/10/2023 – Canvas Implementation (Academic Affairs Newsletter)

As was shared earlier in the week, the college will be migrating from Moodle to Canvas as our Learning Management System. More information regarding this transition can be found on the Canvas Implementation website. If you would like to be a part of the first group of faculty to use canvas this spring, please fill out this interest form.

We invite you to join us for one of the scheduled Canvas Overview Lunch and Learn sessions; all of these sessions will be providing the same overview:

Thursday November 16 (TWH 306 – Heritage Room or via Zoom)

11:30 am – 12:00 pm

12:00 pm – 12:30 pm

Wednesday November 29 (TWH 306 – Heritage Room or via Zoom)

11:30 am – 12:00 pm

12:00 pm – 12:30 pm

Thank you to the LMS Working Group and to everyone who provided feedback last year via listening sessions, surveys, and experimenting with the various platforms. We look forward to working with you and helping answer any questions you may have in this transition. ~The Ed Tech Team

11/6/2023 – LMS Upgrade – Moving from Moodle to Canvas (Faculty Email)

Colleagues – 

We are writing to share some important news. As you may recall, last year, a team of faculty, staff and students spent considerable time reviewing our Learning Management System – Moodle. After careful consideration, thorough evaluation and valuable input from the community, the working group recommended that the college transition from Moodle to Canvas for our Learning Management System (LMS), and that recommendation has been approved by the PC.

Canvas was recommended after extensive discussions, surveys, consultations, and a comprehensive review of the features, functionalities, and benefits offered by multiple platforms. Visit the LMS Evaluation and Project website for more information. While Moodle has served us well, Canvas offers several advantages that align with our commitment to providing a signature student experience and a user-friendly platform for our faculty and students.

Key benefits of transitioning to Canvas include:

  • Intuitive User Interface – Canvas provides a more intuitive and user-friendly interface that simplifies basic onboarding, course creation, content management, and grading.
  • Mobile Friendly – Canvas offers a seamless mobile experience, including a dedicated app, enabling students and faculty to access course materials and assignments on various devices.
  • Easier Gradebook – Many have found the Moodle gradebook to be cumbersome. The Canvas gradebook is not only more intuitive but also includes a “speedgrader” option reducing the total number of “clicks” when grading assignments.
  • Lower Cost – In addition to providing more features and an improved user experience, moving to Canvas will save the college more than $7,000 in annual licensing fees over the next five years.

To ensure a smooth transition, a phased implementation plan has been developed:

  • Spring 2024: A pilot phase of 10 to 15 faculty members willing to use Canvas for their courses in spring semester.
  • Summer 2024: All summer courses will be conducted in Canvas.
  • Fall 2024: All courses will be conducted in Canvas.

The ITS Educational Technology team, in partnership with Faculty Development, will assist with questions and/or concerns and will provide the following support:

  • Training – Extensive training opportunities and a variety of resources will be available to learn about Canvas.
  • Content Migration – ITS Educational Technology staff will coordinate Moodle course content migration to Canvas. Faculty will be able to choose to have their courses migrated for them or can choose to do it themselves. Existing Moodle courses and content will be archived.
  • Instructional Design – ITS Instructional Designers can assist with reviewing course needs and ensuring seamless integration of course materials and pedagogical strategies to enhance teaching and engage students. 

While these types of changes can be challenging, given the consultation we have gone through as a community, this new LMS will be more useful to faculty and students. In the coming weeks, the project team will share more rollout details, seek spring pilot participants, and address questions. Please share your feedback and suggestions to help us configure Canvas and enhance the user experience. For immediate questions, contact Krissy Lukens, Director of Educational Technology, at

Thank you for your cooperation and support as we embark on this journey. We’re excited to provide a new, modern and mobile friendly learning environment for our community and will do everything we can to minimize disruption and ensure a seamless transition while helping make this a positive experience for everyone.


Marc Belanger


Mike Marsden

Interim VP for Academic Affairs

Canvas FAQ

Canvas implementation frequently asked questions.

Submit any questions or concerns you have with the Canvas Implementation.